电灯泡 (diàn dēnɡ pào)


In this episode of Chinese video lessons, we are going to learn a new word 电灯泡. Literally, 电灯泡 means “Light bulb”, but in Chinese, it has another meaning: the third wheel.

Imagine a couple of “love birds” going on a date. They certainly want a quiet, dark, intimate setting where there is no “light bulb” overhead. The bulb is just too bright for the couple to maintain their romantic atmosphere.

Dialogue 1

jīntiān wǎnshɑnɡ hé wǒmen yìqǐ qù kàndiànyǐnɡ bɑ!

A: 今天晚上和我们一起去看电影吧!

Come and watch a movie with us!

bú qù, wǒ bùxiǎnɡ dānɡ diàndēnɡpào!

B: 不去,我不想当电灯泡!

No. I don’t want to be a third wheel.

Dialogue 2

Mandy, wǒ yào hé nǐ bàbɑ qù lǚyóu.

A: Mandy, 我要和你爸爸去旅游。

I will be traveling with your dad.

wǒ yě xiǎnɡ qù!

B: 我也想去!

I want to go with you!

bié dānɡ diàndēnɡpào.

A: 别当电灯泡。

Don’t be a third wheel!